Self Help Legal Clinic

Think of this article as your very own 'Self Help Legal Clinic' wherein I will tell you my highest recommendations concerning which specific sites you may wish to peruse regarding the topic of Legal Self Help.

That said, here - in a very specific order - are the websites in question...

1) Free Legal Documents

I recommend the above site first because it has a large volume of information (and legal forms) which TRULY all seems to be entirely free. Added to that, the author of the site seems trustworthy, willing to help, and keeps matters of a legal nature simple to understand.


I recommend the above site because it seems very well structured and provides copious amounts of useful information. More than that, however, it clearly shows you which leads to follow if you're wishing to find legal information apropos a SPECIFIC American State, guiding you easily through the process. This site is run by a non-profit organization which seems to sincerely care for the rights of all people.

3) Virtual Self-Help Law Center

The above website is specific to the legal system in California, but does also offer much other valuable information that you can apply to the law outside of this West State of America. This site also has a fairly impressive amount of downloadable legal forms (including child support forms) which you don't have to purchase, as well as a very nicely designed Video Library and quite a number of interesting articles too, my favourite of which is How To Screw Up Your Case In Five Easy Lessons.

4) Free Legal Advice

The above site is excellently put-together, containing a HUGE archive of useful articles, on all legal matters, by many professionals in the field. The site has been online for 12 years and is regarded with high praise by Forbes, amongst other such illustrious groups.

5) Is It Legal To...

The above website isn't really a website, but rather a forum which covers hundreds of topics, divided into all the various States in America. The site also contains a very thorough legal dictionary.

Lastly - and perhaps most importantly - even though I've only selected what I consider to be five of the most useful sites above, regarding Legal Self Help, I must make mention of the fact that almost every site I found when researching this topic advised one important word of caution...

However you proceed in matters of the law, you should ALWAYS at least consult with a lawyer first, EVEN if you don't ultimately use their services.


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